Using Artificial Intelligence To Make Beer Better

Rob McInerney, the founder & CEO of Intelligent Layer and co-founder of IntelligentX Brewing Company, explains the use of artificial intelligence in improving everyday products.

“We wanted to see if in the future the most effective brands are the ones that talk to their customers not to make better advertising but to share ideas. We thought that they’d use artificial intelligence to help real people and brands talk to each other and we wanted to prove this in an industry which people have very strong views on and that which we had a pretty significant interest in as well.. Beer.. So we created intelligent X the world’s first beer brewed by artificial intelligence.”

“By incorporating artificial intelligence into the brewing process, we have created a product that automatically changes its recipe based on the needs of the consumers. A beer that continually adapts to the changing tastes of the people drinking it. Now that is what I call personalization and it works very simply.”

“On one side, algorithms are deciding which ingredients to use how long’s to cook things for and on the other, they’re asking questions for the people actually drinking the beer questions about the taste, questions about what things they’d like to change gathering feedback.”

“All the person drinking the beer has to do is follow a link printed on the bottle and the algorithms start talking to them. So by combining these two sides product and consumer if you like left brain and right brain what we have created are algorithms that learn which recipes work on which brain. They learn which ideas to try in the future on which to retire. They learn what to make for individuals and they learn what to make for groups now.”

“I think the real beauty in this whole thing is that we’ve taken something inherently artificial and complex and we’ve brought the whole process of creation and mass consumption back to its core human components. There is a direct visceral connection between the craftsman and the consumer almost as if they were in the same room.”

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