Machine Learning: Living in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

“Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI,” examines the extraordinary ways in which people are interacting with AI today.

Hobbyists and teenagers are now developing tech powered by machine learning and WIRED shows the impacts of AI on schoolchildren and farmers and senior citizens, as well as looking at the implications that rapidly accelerating technology can have.

The film was directed by filmmaker Chris Cannucciari, produced by WIRED, and supported by McCann Worldgroup.

Source:  WIRED

Machine Learning is a method paradigm that makes inferences from existing data using mathematical and statistical methods and makes predictions about the unknown. Some examples from our current lives in machine learning: face recognition, document classification, spam detection.

If we make an analogy, the student will study the subject and solve the sample solved questions in the textbook and learn. Then a different test, which is not in the book but based on the same information, is given to him to be solved. The student solves the test without knowing the answers. Then it is evaluated and it is seen how successful it is.

If he is a student who learns by heart, he will probably not answer the questions correctly. If he is a student who understands the basics of the subject, he will be able to solve it correctly even if a different question arises. When the student sees the test result and where he made a mistake, he will tell himself: “I made a generalization of this question, but it wasn’t really that simple, “I couldn’t think of taking that factor into account”etc.. Then, with a learned eye, he studies his book again and solves the test again. He tries to discover his mistakes and learn the tricks of the subject until he gets enough results. Machine learning is a similar process.

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