Beyond Genuine Stupidity : Ensuring AI Serves Humanity

The first book in the Fast Future series, Beyond Genuine Stupidity: Ensuring AI Serves Humanity, explores critical emerging issues arising from the rapid pace of development in artificial intelligence (AI).

The authors argue for a forward looking and conscious approach to the development and deployment of AI to ensure that it genuinely serves humanity’s best interest. Through a series of articles they present a compelling case to get beyond the genuine stupidity of narrow, short-term and alarmist thinking and look at AI from a long-term holistic perspective.

The reality is that AI will impact current sectors and jobs—and hopefully enable new ones. A smart approach requires us to think about and experiment with strategies for adopting and absorbing the impacts of AI—encompassing education systems, reskilling the workforce, unemployment and guaranteed basic incomes, robot taxes, job creation, encouraging new ventures, research and development to enable tomorrow’s industries, and dealing with the mental health impacts. The book explores the potential impacts on sectors ranging from healthcare and automotive to legal and education. The implications for business itself are also examined from leadership and HR to sales and business ethics.

Who is Rohit Talwar?

Rohit Talwar is a global futurist who helps audiences make sense of and respond to a constantly changing reality and a hyper connected world. He helps clients understand how to respond to the forces and ideas shaping the future, deliver transformational change and create imaginative new strategies and possibilities. Rohit is an award winning futurist speaker and specialist advisor on business transformation, disruptive strategies and radical innovation. He was nominated as one the top ten global future thinkers by the UK’s Independent newspaper.

Rohit has delivered highly inspirational, thought provoking and humorous keynotes to leadership audiences in over 60 countries on six continents. His regular speaking topics include forces shaping the future, the industries of tomorrow, the future of nations and cities, new business models, disruptive technologies, change drivers, economic futures, innovation, developing economies, sustainability, emerging jobs, opportunities and risks, the future of professional services, navigating complexity and winning in a downturn.

Rohit is the founder and CEO of Fast Future Research – providing consultancy, transformational futures experiences, foresight research and keynote speeches to leading corporations, governments, associations and NGOs around the world. His clients include 3M, American Express, Barclays, Boeing, EADS / Airbus, Emirates, Emaar, Etisalat, GE, Genting, GSK, IBM, Intel, Linklaters, McKinsey, Microsoft, Nokia, Novartis, Pfizer, PwC, Sara Lee, Siemens and Tata.

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