The Two Most Useful Python Courses | Corey Schafer & YK Sugishita : FREE

Most Comprehensive and thoroughly explained Python series on Youtube. Of all the Python tutorials for beginners on the internet, this content is super awesome! Corey Schafer and YK Sugishita
(Founder at CS Dojo / Former Software Developer at Google) are very good at explaining Python programming in their own style.

Strings – Working with Textual Data

In this Python Beginner Tutorial, we will begin learning about the string data type. Strings allow us to work with textual data in Python. We will be going over different ways to format strings, and also a lot of useful string methods.  Let’s get started.

Integers and Floats – Working with Numeric Data

In this Python Beginner Tutorial, we will begin learning about integers and floats. Integers and Floats allow us to work with numeric data in Python. We will be learning how to perform basic arithmetic, as well as how to compare numeric values. Let’s get started.

Lists, Tuples, and Sets

In this Python Beginner Tutorial, we will begin learning about Lists, Tuples, and Sets in Python. Lists and Tuples allow us to work with sequential data, and Sets allow us to work with unordered unique values. We will go over most of the methods, learn when to use which data type, and also the performance benefits of each type as well. Let’s get started.

Dictionaries – Working with Key-Value Pairs

In this Python Beginner Tutorial, we will begin learning about dictionaries. Dictionaries allow us to work with key-value pairs in Python. We will go over dictionary methods, how to add and remove values, and also how to loop through the key-value pairs. Let’s get started.

Conditionals and Booleans – If, Else, and Elif Statements

In this Python Beginner Tutorial, we will begin learning about if, elif, and else conditionals in Python. We will also be learning about Booleans and what evaluates to True and False. Let’s get started.

Loops and Iterations – For/While Loops

In this Python Beginner Tutorial, we will begin learning about Loops and Iterations. Specifically, we will be looking at the for/while loops. We will learn about iteration and also how to break out of the loops using the break and continue keywords. Let’s get started.


In this Python Beginner Tutorial, we will begin learning how to write functions. Functions are one of the most important things to learn in Python Programming and will take us to the next level. We will learn how to create/define functions, how to pass in arguments, and also how to return values. Let’s get started.

Import Modules and Exploring The Standard Library

In this Python Beginner Tutorial, we will begin learning how to import modules in Python. We will learn how to import modules we have written, as well as modules from the Standard Library. We will also explore sys.path and how imported modules are found. Let’s get started.


Corey Schafer’s channel is focused on creating tutorials and walkthroughs for software developers, programmers, and engineers. Corey Schafer covers topics for all different skill levels, so whether you are a beginner or have many years of experience, His channel will have something for you.

YK Sugishita
(Founder at CS Dojo / Former Software Developer at Google)

What are variables?

How to Use If Else Statements in Python

How To Use Functions In Python

Introduction To Lists In Python

Introduction to For Loops in Python


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