Does Artificial Intelligence Like Music?

In this original talk, combined with music, Antonio Gambardella highlights some fundamental differences between artificial intelligence and human intelligence.

In order to present his ideas, he leverages on the unique features of the language of music for proving that, no matter how sophisticated machines will become, artificially simulating a human brain will never mean that it will be able to replicate the way humans think and feel.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence will eventually take over most of the tasks we currently perform, but there will still be a place for us to remain proudly human.

Antonio joined Fongit as director in 2014. He was previously the founding partner of a venture capital fund investing in technology, with headquarters in Switzerland, Italy and California. During this experience, he managed incubator activities for seed startups. Later, he made direct investments in innovative small-medium companies in Europe, with active roles in management and board of directors. Antonio holds a degree in Economics at Bocconi University in Milan (Italy) and he attended Singularity University in California.

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