Adversarial Machine Learning and Computer Security | Dawn Song

Lex Fridman had a great conversation with Dawn Song on Adversarial Machine Learning and Computer Security.

Andrew sits down with Song to chat about her unconventional career path and her current research projects.

In this talk, Dawn discusses the challenges and exciting new opportunities at the intersection of AI and Security, how AI and deep learning can enable better security, and how Security can enable better AI.

Dawn Song is a professor of computer science at UC Berkeley with research interests in security, most recently with a focus on the intersection between computer security and machine learning. Dawn Song is well-known for her research on the intersection of deep learning and security. Aside from her research, Song is also a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UC Berkeley and CEO of Oasis Labs, a blockchain startup that is creating a privacy-first cloud computing platform on the blockchain. She has received several awards for her work including the MacArthur Fellowship, the Guggenheim Fellowship, and Best Paper awards from top conferences.

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