Advanced Deep Learning Course, by DeepMind

Advanced Deep Learning Course, by DeepMind

Lecture 1 – Introduction to Machine Learning-Based Ai
Lecture 2 – Introduction to Tensor Flow
Lecture 3 – Neural Networks Foundations
Lecture 4 – Beyond Image Recognition, End-ti-End Learning, Embeddings
Lecture 5 – Optimization for Machine Learning
Lecture 6 – Deep Learning for NLP
Lecture 7 – Attention and Memory in Deep Learning
Lecture 8 – Unsupervised Learning and Generative Models

Lecture 1 – Introduction to Machine Learning-Based Ai

Lecture 2 – Introduction to Tensor Flow

Lecture 3 – Neural Networks Foundations

Lecture 4 – Beyond Image Recognition, End-ti-End Learning, Embeddings

Lecture 5 – Optimization for Machine Learning

Lecture 6 – Deep Learning for NLP

Lecture 7 – Attention and Memory in Deep Learning

Lecture 8 – Unsupervised Learning and Generative Models

Source:   DeepMind

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