Use Artificial intelligence To Find Love

A new dating app is using AI and curation in the hopes of finding singles love. But if it wants to succeed, it will have tough competition against the likes of and Tinder.

It’s an industry worth billions finding love online. In the last five years, the value of online dating grew by five percent annually generating more than 2 billion dollars in revenue in the US alone.

Quinn is the latest dating app to join the strong competition and it’s hedging its bets on the use of artificial intelligence and curation to find love.


Dan Joyce – Co-Founder, Quinn
Quinn chats to users when you download the app Quinn kind looks like what’s up. Quinn chats to it in an instant message to get to know you really deeply and then based on that deep understanding of you introduces you just a couple of people each day.

The app which launched six weeks ago has more than 20.000 users and unlike competitors like Tinder, you can view dozens of profiles a day. Quinn limits you to just 5 but to love Lauren singles have the patience for just five prospective mates.

Dan Joyce – Co-Founder, Quinn
“I think our target market does which is very much genuine relationship seekers so the college market not necessarily not really our market that’s a perfect use case for Tinder up, but for genuine relationship seekers maybe people more in their late twenties and thirties who really want depth of connection and not just a social discovery type product yeah we’re seeking huge take up for the app”.

The company’s co-founder believes the next big trend for dating apps is indeed AI.


Dan Joyce – Co-Founder, Quinn
“Curation and personalization so that will be fueled by artificial intelligence so what we see at the moment is Tinder is only three years old that a phenomenal success because of its ease of connecting with other people and its ease of use but what we’re seeing now for our segment of the market is a real drive back to more genuine deeper connection. So I don’t want my dating pool to be opened up to hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people actually just want to know who are the best people that I should meet today and that’s what we think the future of the next phase of the dating life cycles”.

So with all the singles out there. Here’s hoping some of them find love.

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