Starting from 2017, Top 5 Jobs to be replaced by Artificial Intelligence

Sooner or later, most of our jobs to be stolen by Artificial Intelligence. We are introducing 5 Human Jobs to be Replaced by A.I.

1-Couriers Job by Delivery Drones & Robots

Artificial Intelligence -powered Substitutes for Couriers may appear in 2 forms either as a drone in the air or as a robot on the ground.

Amazon, DHL, Starship are actively developing the Artificial Intelligence  delivery Tech

Courier statistics:
Number of jobs: 73,180
Average annual wage: $29,130
So Artificial Intelligence Delivery Tech could replace $2.1 billion worth of human labor 

Amazon has already made its first customer delivery took place on 7 dec 2016 
Fully Autonomous – No Human Pilot


2-Cooks job by Robotic Kitchen (Moley):

The Moley robotic kitchen is a fusion of cutting-edge technology and human expertise

Fits into a regular kitchen

Can cook any dish from anywhere

US Cooks’ Labor statistics:
Number of jobs: 2.3mln
Average annual wage: $22,709
So Robotic Kitchen could replace $55 billion worth of human labor


3-Cashiers by AI Shoping Tech (Amazon GO):

Amazon Go is a new kind of store with no checkout required

Simply use the Amazon Go app to enter the store

Take the products you want and go!

No lines! No checkout! Just grab and go!

Cashier statistics:
Number of jobs: 3.4 mln
Average annual wage: $19,310
So the advanced shopping Tech could replace $66 billion worth of human labor

The 1,800 sq ft store uses a variety of sensor and automatically charges a shopper’s Amazon account when they walk out of the store


4-Customer Service Representatives by Bots:

Chatbots allow consumers to contact a business without having to deal with a phone call

Being put on hold or having to push buttons to navigate from department to department

Customer Service Representative statistics:
Number of jobs: 2.6 mln
Average annual wage: $31,720
So the advanced shopping Tech could replace $82 billion worth of human labor 

Chatbots may be delivered through platforms like Messenger, Telegram, Skype…


5-Drivers (Cabbies, Truck drivers..) by Driving Technology:

Self-driving vehicles will play a crucial role in improving transportation safety

Uber, Google, Tesla, Nvidia, BMW, Baidu are actively developing self driving vehicles

All Tesla vehicles produced now have full self-driving hardware and costomers can purchase one today

US Drivers’ Labor statistics:
Number of jobs: 4mln
Average annual wage: $35,760
So Self-driving vehicles could replace $143 billion worth of human labor 

Expected 10 million self-driving cars will be on the road by 2020

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