I’m definitely not worried about the AI Apocalypse: John Giannandrea

I’m definitely not worried about the AI apocalypse, I just object to the hype and soundbites that some people are making,” John Giannandrea said at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference in San Francisco.

John Giannandrea,  Vice President of Engineering with responsibility for Google’s Computer Science Research ​and Machine Intelligence groups; leading teams in Machine Learning, Machine Intelligence, Computer Perception, Natural Language Understanding, and Quantum Computing,  “I’m definitely not worried about the AI apocalypse, I just object to the hype and soundbites that some people are making” said at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference in San Francisco.

Google’s John Giannandrea sits down with Frederic Lardinois to discuss the AI hype/worry cycle and the importance, limitations, and acceleration of machine learning.

“I think there’s a huge amount of hype around AI right now. There’s a lot of people that are unreasonably concerned around the rise of general AI,”

“Machine learning and artificial intelligence are extremely important and will revolutionize our industry. What we’re doing is building tools like the Google search engine and making you more productive.”

“We have been spending a lot of time looking at machine learning fairness. If your data is biased, then you build biased systems. We have many efforts at Google and research collaboration around this question of fairness in machine learning and unbiased data.”

“I almost try to shy away from this term artificial intelligence — it’s kind of like big data. It’s such a broad term, it’s really not well defined. I’ve been trying to use the term machine intelligence.”

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