Human Rights and Artificial Intelligence

Flynn Coleman shares her idea on how AI can be a positive step for humanity as part of the TEDxNapaValley 2016 “Go Figure!” event.

With over 7 billion of us now co-existing on the planet, the world is going to be facing some unique human rights issues in the 21st Century, and technological advances, particularly artificial intelligence, will present both challenges and opportunities that will impact us all.

In this talk, Flynn Coleman, an international human rights lawyer, asks us to think about what it means to be human in new ways.

Flynn Coleman is an international human rights attorney, a mindfulness and creativity teacher, an author, a Huffington Post writer, a TEDx speaker, a social entrepreneur and innovator, a former competitive athlete, and a founder and CEO.

She has a background in innovative approaches to economic empowerment, economic development, international trade law, war crimes, behavioral economics, political reconciliation, and improving access to justice through innovation.

She was the founding mindfulness teacher at King’s College London Dickson Poon School of Law, a faculty member at The School of Life, and has been named a Designed Good Changemaker, a Wisdom 2.0 scholarship winner, a Luce Scholar, a United Nations writing competition winner, and the inaugural recipient of a Women in Sports award.

She holds a BSFS from Georgetown University, a JD from UC Berkeley School of Law, and an LLM from the London School of Economics and Political Science. She has also studied at La Sorbonne, the University of Cambridge, Trinity College Dublin, La Universidad de Chile, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Senegal, and Université de Genève.

A native of Los Angeles, Flynn has lived in France, Switzerland, England, Ireland, Italy, Hong Kong, Fiji, Cambodia, Senegal, the Netherlands, and Chile. She speaks five languages, and her wanderlust has taken her from rebuilding homes in New Orleans, to distributing gifts to children in Haiti and school supplies in Guatemala and Ethiopia, to teaching How to Make a Difference in a Mongolian yurt in the English countryside, to huffing up Mount Kilimanjaro with her dad, to zodiac boating in Alaska with her mom.(Source:

7 thoughts on “Human Rights and Artificial Intelligence

  1. If we think our “superior intelligence” is the rationale why we can kill any other animal on the planet for our convenience, what might AI systems infer about ethics…and how will that play out when they are so smart as to see little significant difference between planaria and humans?

  2. En oikein ymmärtänyt mitä ihmisten perusoikeudet liittyi superhyveellisen AI:n tekemiseen? ja mitä järkeä on yleensäkään tehdä AI:sta inhimmillinen.

  3. Tekoälyn oikeudet ovat ongelmallinen asia, kun varsin suurella todennäköisyydellä nuo pirulaiset osaavat pitää kiinni oikeuksistaan. Siinä missä ihmisiä voi kusettaa irti oikeuksistaan niin tekoälyn suhteen tuo lienee äärimmäisen vaikeaa

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